Werk Atleet

Work like an athlete

"From now on you are a real athlete"

Working is top class sports

First of all, thank you so much for your enthusiasm and energy during the session!

To perform at Champions League level, it’s essential to go through a functional warm-up every day, make choices during the day that support your energy levels, and use a cooling-down routine in the evening for a great night’s sleep.

We wish you top athletic performance in the workplace and, above all, a fit and energetic life.
Therefore, we challenge you to get started with the personal challenge you wrote down at the end of the session in the coming period. And remember, sustainable change takes time, so give yourself that time.

Go for the low-hanging fruit and be patient.

You rock! 


Better focus allows you to get more out of your day. To utilize your focus optimally, it’s essential to move regularly and sufficiently during the day, as movement stimulates blood flow and supports brain function.

Below you will find some practical tips to integrate more movement into your workday:

  1. Get moving before your workday starts. Take a (short) walk or bike to work.
  2. Take the stairs more often instead of the elevator.
  3. Change your working position every 30-60 minutes (if you have a sit-stand desk) and/or do 5 squats.
  4. Make one person in your team responsible for point 3 (team captain) each day.
    He/she reminds the entire team to change their working position and/or do 5 squats.
  5. Take a walk during lunch.
  6. Get some (gentle) movement after dinner, such as an evening walk or some stretches. 

“You’ll never know what you’re capable of until you take that first step and just go for it.”

–  Natasha Hastings –



Under the influence of twilight and the absence of (blue) light, your brain stimulates the release of the hormone melatonin into your blood. Melatonin ensures that your body starts preparing for a restorative night’s sleep. To wake up fit and energetic the next morning, it’s essential that enough melatonin has been released.

Below you will find some tips to support the effectiveness of melatonin:

  • Take an evening walk. The setting sun or the light of the moon (depending on the time) signals your brain to start preparing for the night.
  • Replace bright light sources at home with warmer-toned options, such as candles and salt lamps.
  • Has the sun set? Avoid screens and engage in a relaxing activity.
  • If, for any reason (I can’t think of a good one, haha!), you still need to look at a screen, wear blue light filter glasses or install a filter on your device.
  • A reliable provider of blue light glasses can be found at www.loptimize.nl.
  • In the step-by-step guide below, you can read how to install a filter: 


As you experienced in the session, your breathing is the remote control to your autonomic nervous system. By breathing consciously, you can guide yourself to a more relaxed state. The most important thing is to focus on slowing down your breathing.

In my evening routine, the Box Breathing method is a regular component.
It’s a great way to relax just before bedtime. Enjoy!

Would you like to help us?

Team WerkAtleet is on a mission to create as many WORK ATHLETES in the workplace as possible.
To achieve this, we aim to deliver the very best sessions for you. Therefore, feedback is always welcome and you can email it to keanu@werkatleet.nl.

We would greatly appreciate your help in our mission.
You can easily do this by leaving a nice Google Review via the button below.


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